Exploring Prayer in Lent Programme

Posted on: 27/01/2024

Sr Joan is holding a series of talks/conversations on the psalms – so much a part of our prayer and liturgy – at Lancashire Martyrs. The details are on posters at the back of church. The sessions will begin with a simple meal of
soup and bread, we will explore the riches of the Book of Psalms through prayer, presentations, music, and discussion. Participants will be given resources to use during the week with suggestions for personal prayer. There will be a voluntary donation to support CAFOD as part of our Lenten almsgiving.

Sr Joan is also leading a special journey of prayer this Lent in preparation for the 2025 Pilgrims of Hope Jubilee.
The sessions will take place on each Friday during Lent, 10.00 – 12.30pm, at Wardley Hall, and include presentations, discussion, and time for quiet prayer and reflection: dioceseofsalford.org.uk/prayer-in-lent/

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