Friday 6 December 2024
Laudato Si' Centre,
Wardley Hall Road,
Manchester, UK
Join the Diocese of Salford's Laudato Si' Centre team this Friday 6 December for the return of its Advent Wreath Workshop, where you will have the opportunity to learn how to create your own wreath from natural materials
under the guidance of our skilled team. Find out more and book: laudatosicentre.org.uk/events/wreath-workshop
We will have a festive get-together in the Rigby Room on Sunday 8 December immediately after the 11.00am family Mass.
The next one of our cultural classic Bingo Nights will be held in the Rigby Room at 7.30pm on Friday 6 December
A series of talks exploring the theme of hope is set to begin this Advent as we embark on the 2025 Year of Jubilee.